Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Organization Structure

Sgagafga Fdgasf Fdga Dsg Dgfa G Qgfrsad 1. Function and Project Organization Structures * In a function organization structure, employees are organized according to the nature of their employment. For example, all employees who work with human resources are relegated to a department called human resources while all employees who work with the company's accounts are assigned to the accounting department. In a project organization structure, employees with different skills and responsibilities are put together in departments according to the projects that they are working on. Matrix Organization Structure Matrix organization structure is a hybrid of function and project organization structures where one employees has two or sometimes even more sets of responsibilities and oversight. Said employee is responsible not only to superiors in the department in which he works but also to the manager who leads the project to which he is assigned. For example, an engineer who is assigned to work on architectural plans answers to both the project leader and to his superiors in the engineering department. * Sponsored Links * Employee Performance Goals Employee Performance Goals S/W Download Free Whitepaper! ww. CornerstoneOnDemand. com Communication * Communication can be considered good when it is both effective and efficient in getting the intended meaning across to the intended recipient. Efficient means that the meaning was conveyed in a concise manner without bloat while effective means that the message was conveyed without its intended meaning being distorted in some way in the process. Poor Communication in Matrix Organizations * A matrix organization comes with a host of disadvantages, many of which have a negative impact on the efficacy and efficiency of communication within the organization.First, there is redundant management in the sense that there are two sets of management whose responsibilities overlap at times, meaning that their communication to higher-ups i s hampered by one another. Second is that each set of management is independent of one another; this can produce different analyses, which can lead to a confused assessment for higher-ups. Third is that redundant management is expensive and the two sets of information that they produce and communicate to their superiors is generally not worth that expense. Sponsored Links * Organizational ChartsMake Organizational Charts Fast See Examples, Free Download! www. SmartDraw. com * Create Org Charts Online Plan, Collaborate, Organize Start a Free Live Demo Now www. OrgPlus. com * Organization Structure Chart Quickly Find Organizational Development Theory Solutions www. Business. com * Accredited Sales Courses 100% Online Sales Skills Courses. Approved by IACET. Enroll Today! Universalclass. com Related Searches * Organisational Structure * Matrix Organization * Organization Structure * Matrix Management * Business Structure These 5 Things Will Destroy Your RetirementNewsmax 1% of American s Believe This Crisis is ImminentMoney Morning Before You Sneak That Bottle on BoardReviewed. com Billionaire Tells Americans to Prepare For â€Å"Financial Ruin†Moneynews   by Taboola References * FAO Corporate Document Depositary: Matrix Organization * FAO Corporate Document Depositary: Where the Matrix Approach Is Best * Photo Credit Hemera Technologies/AbleStock. com/Getty Images ————————————————- Matrix management From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article  needs additional citations for verification.Please help  improve this article  by  adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be  challenged  and  removed. (October 2010)| A matrix organization Matrix management  is a type of organizational  management  in which people with similar skills are pooled for work assignments. For example, all  engineers  may b e in one engineering department and report to an engineering manager, but these same engineers may be assigned to different projects and report to a different engineering manager or a project manager while working on that project.Therefore, each engineer may have to work under several managers to get his job done. Contents  Ã‚  [hide]   * 1  The Matrix * 2  Advantages and Disadvantages * 3  Visual representation * 4  Clarification * 5  References * 6  Further reading| ————————————————- [edit]The Matrix Some organizations fall somewhere between the fully  functional  and pure matrix. These organizations are defined in  A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge(PMBOK) 4th Edition as  composite.For example, even a fundamentally functional or matrix organization may create a special project team to handle a critical project. Whereas project-ce ntered organizations (like those in engineering, construction or the aerospace industries) have structures built around project teams as their functional units, matrix organizations follow the traditional structures, with some adjustments to their hierarchy to support project units. [1] ————————————————- [edit]Advantages and Disadvantages Proponents of matrix suggest that two advantages exist to matrix management.First, it allows team members to share information more readily across task boundaries. Second, it allows for specialization that can increase depth of knowledge and allow professional development and career progression to be managed. The disadvantage of matrix management is that employees can become confused due to conflicting loyalties. The belief is that a properly managed cooperative environment can neutralize these disadvantages. Opponents of matrix managemen t believe that it is an outdated method to organize a company.One disadvantage of matrix management is that it doubles the number of managers when compared to  line management, and as the time to reach a decision increases with the number of managers the result may be an increase in management related overhead expenses. The advantages of a matrix include: * Individuals can be chosen according to the needs of the project. * The use of a project team that is dynamic and able to view problems in a different way as specialists have been brought together in a new environment. * Project managers are directly responsible for completing the project within a specific deadline and budget.Whilst the disadvantages include: * A conflict of loyalty between line managers and project managers over the allocation of resources. * Projects can be difficult to monitor if teams have a lot of independence. * Costs can be increased if more managers (i. e. project managers) are created through the use of project teams. ————————————————- [edit]Visual representation Representing matrix organizations visually has challenged managers ever since the matrix management structure was invented.Most organizations use dotted lines to represent secondary relationships between people, and charting software such as Visio and OrgPlus supports this approach. Until recently,  Enterprise resource planning(ERP) and  Human resource management systems  (HRMS) software did not support matrix reporting. Late releases of  SAP  software support matrix reporting, and  OracleeBusiness Suite can also be customized to store matrix information. ————————————————- [edit]Clarification Matrix management should not be confused with â€Å"tight matrix†.Tight matrix, or co-locati on, refers to locating offices for a project team in the same room, regardless of management structure. ————————————————- [edit]References 1. ^  Seet, Daniel. â€Å"Power: The Functional Manager’s Meat and Project Manager’s Poison? â€Å",  PM Hut, February 6, 2009. Retrieved on March 2, 2010. ————————————————- [edit]Further reading * Galbraith, J. R. (1971). â€Å"Matrix Organization Designs: How to combine functional and project forms†. In:  Business Horizons, February, 1971, 29-40. â€Å"A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge  (PMBOK)†,  Project Management Institute,  ISBN 1-880410-23-0 * R J Shepherd (2007). â€Å"Mentoring Soft Boundaries for Management†, MIDAS MDF 2007; 2:79-89 Categories: * Mana gement * Organizational theory * Types of organization ————————————————- Navigation menu * Create account * Log in * Article * Talk * Read * Edit * View history Top of Form Bottom of Form * Main page * Contents * Featured content * Current events * Random article * Donate to Wikipedia * Wikimedia Shop Interaction * Help * About Wikipedia * Community portal Recent changes * Contact Wikipedia Toolbox Print/export Languages * * * Deutsch * Francais * * Magyar * Nederlands * * Norsk bokmal * Polski * Portugues * Suomi * Ti? ng Vi? t * Edit links * This page was last modified on 4 April 2013 at 12:35. * Text is available under the  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the  Terms of Use  and  Privacy Policy. Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the  Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a non-pro fit organization. * Contact us * Privacy policy * About Wikipedia * Disclaimers * Mobile view * *

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Christian Reflection-Motivation Essay

Being in the box has a negative impact on an individual’s internal and external motivation in the workplace. We lose our â€Å"what-focus and who-focus† because we are too occupied with justifying the characteristics we have created in our minds. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) For example when I was an intern in the civil rights office, my first rotation was with the only diversity specialist. She had a fairly poor attitude but was excellent at the work that she produced. She insisted that employees should overlook her attitude and focus on the point she was making. Over time I watched as her approach to interacting with her co-workers slowly escalated into arguments and the refusal to work with her. People wanted clear boundaries for what their responsibilities were versus the diversity specialist. Other people in the office lost motivation or developed a very short temper with the diversity specialist. The civil rights office could not work together to accomplish any group tasks if they were paired with this individual. However it was the civil rights division that suffered as a whole. Upper management noticed the internal discord and lost trust in the office. Internally I am positive that each employee blamed someone else for the loss of trust within the office. My office is a very great example of â€Å"collusion,†each person continues to act according to the characteristics they are placing on themselves and co-workers to justify not working as a team. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) I am also guilty of shying away from working with the diversity specialist. There were times when I could have stepped in to help her out but I refused to volunteer due to some of our interactions, I truly felt justified in my thinking also. Although I know that my Christian beliefs/values should have a positive affect on internal and external motivation in the workplace. I also know that this positive affect is accomplished by ensuring that I behave in a manner that would be pleasing to God. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes a Christian will know the right thing to do but will ignore their inner spirit. It is challenging to offer someone that last bit of advice that will make a difference in their project when they constantly belittle your suggestions or take credit for the work you do. Christians must remind themselves that their rewards will come from God, not man. Motivation has a huge impact on the amount of conflict in the workplace. When people are motivated in a positive manner to interact with co-workers and employees, you have a positive, productive work environment. However when you have a few people â€Å"in the box† it has a negative domino affect on the work environment. (The Arbinger Institute, 2002) People want to leave early and only produce what is required of them. As blame begins to shift to everyone around them, there is a loss of motivation to go the extra mile or be helpful to others. References The Arbinger Institute (2002). Leadership and Self-Deception. Sand Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Varying Definitions of Online Communication

Running head: VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 1 The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and the relationship between them. The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized. Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research Elizabeth L. Angeli The author’s name and institution should be doublespaced and centered. The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head). The running head cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The running head’s title should be in capital letters. The running head should be flush left, and page numbers should be flush right. On the title page, the running head should include the words â€Å"Running head. † For pages following the title page, repeat the running head in all caps without â€Å"Running head. Purdue University Blue boxes contain directions for writing and citing in APA style. Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Abstract The abstract is a brief summary of the paper, allowing readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the paper. The abstract sh ould be between 150-250 words. Abbreviations and acronyms used in the paper should be defined in the abstract. 2 The word â€Å"Abstract† should be centered and typed in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the first line of the abstract paragraph. All other paragraphs in the paper should be indented. This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in their definitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as â€Å"email,† in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore, offer different results. This paper examines Cummings et al. s research in relation to three other research articles to suggest that all forms of CMC should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline relationships. Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Online Communication Definitions Effect on Relationship Research 3 The title of the paper is centered and not bolded. Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships, The introduction presents the problem that the paper addresses. See the OWL resources on introductions: http://owl. en glish. purdue. du/owl/resou rce/724/01/ focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, different communication modalities, and the frequency of use of CMC. However, contradictory results are suggested within this research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. In order to understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al. ’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication effects relationships. If an article has three to five authors, write out all of the authors’ names the first time they appear. Then use the first author’s last name followed by â€Å"et al. † In-text citations include the author’s/ authors’ name/s and the publication year. The publication year and the not page number is used, because APA users are concerned with the date of the article (the more current the better). In Cummings et al. ’s (2002) summary article reviewing three empirical studies on online social relationships, it was found that CMC, especially email, was less effective than FtF contact in creating and maintaining close social relationships. Two of the three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non-Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF, phone, or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality’s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship (Cummings et al. , 2002). The strength of the relationship was predicted best by FtF and phone communication, as participants rated email as an inferior means of maintaining personal relationships as compared to FtF and phone contacts (Cummings et al. , 2002). VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed an additional study conducted in 1999 by the 4 HomeNet project. In this project, Kraut, Mukhopadhyay, Szczypula, Kiesler, and Scherlis (1999) compared the value of using CMC and non-CMC to maintain relationships with partners. They found that participants corresponded less frequently with their Internet partner (5. 2 times per month) than with their non-Internet partner (7. 2 times per month) (as cited in Cummings et al. , 2002). This difference does not seem significant, as it is only two times less per month. However, in additional self-report surveys, participants responded feeling more distant, or less intimate, towards their Internet partner than their non-Internet partner. This finding may be attributed to participants’ beliefs that email is an inferior mode of personal relationship communication. Intimacy is necessary in the creation and maintenance of relationships, as it is defined as the sharing of a person’s innermost being with another person, i. e. , selfdisclosure (Hu, Wood, Smith, & Westbrook, 2004). Relationships are facilitated by the reciprocal self-disclosing between partners, regardless of non-CMC or CMC. Cummings et al. ’s (2002) reviewed results contradict other studies that research the connection between intimacy and relationships through CMC. Hu et al. (2004) studied the relationship between the frequency of Instant Messenger (IM) use and the degree of perceived intimacy among friends. The use of IM instead of email as a CMC modality was studied because IM supports a non-professional environment favoring intimate exchanges (Hu et al. , 2004). Their results suggest that a positive relationship exists between the frequency of IM use and intimacy, demonstrating Use two spaces after a period throughout your paper. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION that participants feel closer to their Internet partner as time progresses through this CMC modality. Similarly, Underwood and Findlay (2004) studied the effect of Internet relationships on primary, specifically non-Internet relationships and the perceived intimacy of both. In this study, self-disclosure, or intimacy, was measured in terms of shared secrets through the discussion of personal problems. Participants reported a significantly higher level of self-disclosure in their Internet relationship as compared to their primary relationship. In contrast, the participants’ primary relationships were reported as highly self-disclosed in the past, but the current level of disclosure was perceived to be lower (Underwood & Findlay, 2004). This result suggests participants turned to the Internet in order to fulfill the need for intimacy in their lives. In further support of this finding, Tidwell and Walther (2002) hypothesized CMC participants employ deeper self-disclosures than FtF participants in order to overcome the limitations of CMC, e. g. , the reliance on nonverbal cues. It was found that CMC partners engaged in more frequent intimate questions and disclosures than FtF partners in order to overcome the barriers of CMC. In their study, Tidwell and Walther (2002) measured the perception of a relationship’s intimacy by the partner of each participant in both the CMC and FtF conditions. The researchers found that the participants’ partners stated their CMC partner was more effective in employing more intimate exchanges than their FtF partner, and both participants and their partners rated their CMC relationship as more intimate than their FtF relationship. VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION A Level 1 heading should be flush left and bolded. If you use more than two levels of headings, consult section 3. 02 of the APA manual (6th ed. ) or the OWL resource on APA headings: http://owl. english. pur due. edu/ow l/resource/ 560/16/ 6 Discussion In 2002, Cummings et al. tated that the evidence from their research conflicted with other data examining the effectiveness of online social relationships. This statement is supported by the aforementioned discussion of other research. There may be a few possible theoretical explanations for these discrepancies. First, one reviewed study by Cummings et al. (2002) examined only email correspondence for their CMC mod ality. Therefore, the study is limited to only one mode of communication among other alternatives, e. g. , IM as studied by Hu et al. (2004). Because of its many personalized features, IM provides more personal CMC. For example, it is in real time without delay, voice-chat and video features are available for many IM programs, and text boxes can be personalized with the user’s picture, favorite colors and text, and a wide variety of Because all research has its limitations, it is important to discuss the limitations of articles under examination. emoticons, e. g. , :). These options allow for both an increase in self-expression and the ability to overcompensate for the barriers of CMC through customizable features, as stated in Tidwell and Walther (2002). Self-disclosure and intimacy may result from IM’s individualized features, which are not as personalized in email correspondence. In addition to the limitations of email, Cummings et al. (2002) reviewed studies that focused on international bank employees and college students. It is possible the participants’ CMC through email was used primarily for business, professional, and school matters and not for relationship creation or maintenance. In this case, personal self-disclosure and intimacy levels are expected to be lower for non-relationship interactions, as this communication is primarily between boss and employee or student VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION and professor. Intimacy is not required, or even desired, for these professional relationships. Instead of professional correspondence, however, Cummings et al. ’s (2002) review of the HomeNet project focused on already established relationships and CMC’s 7 effect on relationship maintenance. The HomeNet researchers’ sole dependence on email communication as CMC may have contributed to the lower levels of intimacy and closeness among Internet relationships as compared to non-Internet relationships (as cited in Cummings et al. , 2002). The barriers of non-personal communication in email could be a factor in this project, and this could lead to less intimacy among these Internet partners. If alternate modalities of CMC were studied in both already established and professional relationships, perhaps these results would have resembled those of the previously mentioned research. In order to gain a complete understanding of CMC’s true effect on both online and offline relationships, it is necessary to conduct a study that examines all aspects of CMC. This includes, but is not limited to, email, IM, voice-chat, video-chat, online ournals and diaries, online social groups with message boards, and chat rooms. The effects on relationships of each modality may be different, and this is demonstrated by the discrepancies in intimacy between email and IM correspondence. As each mode of communication becomes more prevalent in individual’s lives, it is important to examine the impact of all modes of CMC on online an d offline relationship formation, maintenance, and even termination. The conclusion restates the problem the paper addresses and can offer areas for further research. See the OWL resource on conclusions: http://owl. english. pur due. edu/ow l/resource/ 724/04/ VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION References Cummings, J. N. , Butler, B. , & Kraut, R. (2002). The quality of online social relationships. Communications of the ACM, 45(7), 103-108. Hu, Y. , Wood, J. F. , Smith, V. , & Westbrook, N. (2004). Friendships through IM: Examining the relationship between instant messaging and intimacy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 10(1), 38-48. Tidwell, L. C. , & Walther, J. B. (2002). Computer-mediated communication effects on disclosure, impressions, and interpersonal evaluations: Getting to know one another a bit at a time. Human Communication Research, 28(3), 317-348. 8 Underwood, H. , & Findlay, B. (2004). Internet relationships and their impact on primary relationships. Behaviour Change, 21(2), 127-140. Start the reference list on a new page, center the title â€Å"References,† and alphabetize the entries. Do not underline or italicize the title. Double-space all entries. Every article mentioned in the paper should have an entry.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Is CEO Compensation Justified by Performance Research Paper

Is CEO Compensation Justified by Performance - Research Paper Example Since they are getting a well paying compensation, they do not have any other businesses or money generating activities. Having other income generating activities will affect their concentration on the firm. This could ruin the firm’s performance as they are concentrating on other businesses. However, when all their attention is attracted to the firm that is offering perfect compensation, they are likely to reflect the best performance. In such a situation, the firm is likely to flourish in recording the best performance. CEOs that have a well paying compensation scheme depict the aspect of creativity and critical thinking. Creativity is vital in ensuring a firm is on the best track to give stunning performance. Creativity includes slotting better avenues of conducting businesses with clients and other businesses. In such a situation, the businesses are best prepared to record positive performance in the market. Similarly, creativity in a firm ensures all the activities are do ne at the right time and at the right place. For instance, creativity ensures the institution effects all the plans at the right time. This includes market inception plans for some products and services. Without such creativity, the firm is likely to record dwindling performance (Joshi, 2). ... However, lowly rated CEOs do not enhance the critical thinking aspect as they do not have the sole interest. Apparently, firms that remunerate their CEOs with high compensation are well prepared to tackle any setbacks in the market due to critical thinking aspect. The performance of a firm depends on employee and CEO morale. Employees and CEOs that have high morale are likely to record positive performance in the market. However, employees and CEOs that do not have morale in the business are likely to wilt the business. Apparently, CEOs that have a high compensation rate have morale to record better performance with each passing financial calendar. Since they have a better compensation, they have nothing to lose when the firm is on the verge of making an even better improvement. In many instances, the CEOs will be committed to making a better performance since they are given better compensation (Schwartz 1). In such instances, the CEOs will go to greater heights of ensuring the moral e of their employees is boosted. When the morale of workers is enhanced, it is almost certain that the firm will make an improvement with time. However, when the CEOs do not have the best preparation in enhancing their own morale, the workers’ morale will also be low. As such, they both will not have any commitment in making a better accrual in the firm. CEOs with high compensation rate have a future in the firm. The futuristic aspect is mostly enhanced by the better compensation in comparison to other CEOs. Such CEOs will be futuristic and will give all it takes to make an improvement in the firm. For instance, when the CEOs have better compensation, they are likely to make long term commitments to the firm. Given that they want to protect

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Western Religions Research Paper

Contemporary Issues in Western Religions - Research Paper Example The followers of Islam are called Muslims. Islam is based on monotheism, like Christianity and Judaism, and Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) is believed to be the last prophet. The concept of worship in Islam is that every act can be considered an act of worshipping if it does done the way Allah has commanded His believers to. Apart from that, there are also five pillars of Islam, which are compulsory for every Muslim. These are ‘Kalima Tayyaba’ the authentication of faith, five prayers a day, fasting, Almsgiving or Zakaat, and pilgrimage called Hajj (once in a lifetime). As contrary to what is portrayed, Islam is not an extremist religion. It does not teach the followers to submit themselves completely either to the religion or to the worldly affairs, but to take a middle road between them and take care of their worldly matters in accordance to the religion. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are called Abrahamic religions. Islam is theologically and historically conne cted to other Monotheist religions Judaism and Christianity. To Muslims, Jews and Christians are ‘People of The Book’ and are respected for it. Belief in Injil (The Gospel of Jesus) is very important to Muslims, and Jewish history is taught in Islam as its own (ReligionFacts, 2012). But still Muslims believe that Jews and Christians have incorrect beliefs based on incomplete revelations. Jews believe that Islam and Christianity are wrongly interpreted extended forms of Judaism. Christians consider Judaism as a religion with partial revelation but consider Islam to be a false religion. Islam and Christianity were originated in the same geographical location, in the Middle East. Islam was founded in 622 CE in Arabia and Christianity in 33 CE in Palestine. Even though both Islam and Christianity believe in monotheism, Christian’s belief is slightly different. They believe in Trinity Monotheism which divides God into three sanctified persons and Jesus as the son of G od. Muslims however believe that Jesus’ birth was a miracle and Mary was a Virgin yet they do not believe that Jesus is the son of God and that is considered as a Shirk in Islam. In spite of this both believe in one God. The other spiritual entities in Islam and Christianity are angels and demons (and Jinns in Muslims). The humans who preach their respective religions are called prophets in Islam and Saints in Christianity. Regarding Jesus Muslims believe that he is a true prophet of God and his teachings were misinterpret, Jesus did not die but his spirit got lifted to the heavens and that he will be come again but can not be resurrected as he did not die In the first place. Christians believe that Jesus died when he was being crucified and then rose from the dead after three days and after resurrection and is believed to come back on the Day of Judgment. Holy revelations were through prophets and compiled into the Holy Quran in Islam and into the Holy Bible in Christianity. According to Islam, humans have the ability to do bad as well as good whereas in Christianity it is believed that man tends to be attracted by evil by nature. In Islam escape from hell is achieved by doing good actions and having true beliefs as well as by maintaining and upholding the Five Pillars of Islam. In Christianity salvation can be achieved by having true beliefs, and through performing sacraments. Wrongdoers will go to eternal hell and good people will go an eternal heaven in both Islam and Christianity. Islam and Judaism are also similar in theology and history. Like Islam, Judaism follows strict monotheism and believes in one God and believes in angels and demons

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Hispanic Community Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hispanic Community - Personal Statement Example As far as I am concerned, if they cannot speak my language, then they are not in the right place. Countless who are connected inside the immigration arguments presupposes that there have been two sets of people inside this realm, immigrates along with non-immigrants. Their point of views draws a profound dark line amidst citizens, marking a characteristic where, in reality, does not subsist. Most members of our community looks like me. However, within my area more and more Mexicans, Muslims and Africans are moving in. Where as most of us would know, these people are very much different from what I look like, physically, mentally, even emotionally. On the other hand, for the longest time that they have been dealing with people who are locals in my community, they may have adopted already our way of life. As you may observe the majority of citizens within our town is White. Hispanics are the principal minority and their population is growing rapidly. With these figures of races, our town does not require to cope with a lot of prejudice or even discrimination. Since the composition of the (city) marginal population progresses, the quantity of immigrants existing here has sustained its quick increase in current years. The colored populations are made up of about 7.4% inside Rock Island County's inhabitants during the year 2000. Local administration administrators said that they anticipate the integer of Hispanics living within the Quad-Cities to practically increase twofold within the following 15 years, revealing a national drift. The greater part of the Hispanic folks repositioning towards the (city) hailed from Mexico, visioning of an enhanced life which can probably be afforded within their native soil.I think leaders within my community are giving special attention towards immigrants. Just like Ms. Camarillo-Martinez she said that she anticipates Hispanic depiction taking place on the Moline City Council as well as municipality boards to boost. Before now, numerous committees impart reports towards the council. Ms. Camarillo-Martinez said, "The connection among the government along with the Hispanic society is really nice.''Despite the fact that programs were present following World War II which permitted Mexican migr to be employed inside the United States of America on a provisional basis, thousands and thousands of Mexicans unrelenting to locate their way towards North of the boundary without records. During 1986, an official pardon program granted documentation for about 2.5 million Mexicans employed inside the U.S.I can see that people inside my community treat each and everyone with respect, may it be a local or an immigrant. I think that everyone must be in this manner so that cruelty and unkindness within the community would be lessen or may possibly be taken out permanently. I am a (type of race). Accordingly, within the United Kingdom, (type of race) are more apt than inside the United States to illustrate citizens from the Caucasus, even though it could still be exercised as a racial arrangement. Physically we (type of race) have (light skin also with our eyes; we have slim noses, along with lean lips) - your description. Some of us usually have wavy or straight hair.The local media embodies citizens like me, through televisions, newspapers, radios, etc. Just like in this newspaper, stating that why must a scheme which will recompense its staff poverty income receive subventions and special

Friday, July 26, 2019

Labor Law Campaign Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Labor Law Campaign - Speech or Presentation Example Please understand that I do not have the resources to do this. The economy is in poor shape and our towns are not painting their homes as frequent as they used to. They rather have rusted walls in order to feed their children. I am sorry that some of you have broken down in your vehicles and have had to wait for a tow, hence making you late to your estimate or painting job. Perhaps some of you have broken down in the company vehicle and have been home late for dinner. I am sorry; however we will have to make due with the vehicles we have. We will just have to keep fixing them. None of the vehicles are under the year 2002. We must continue to re paint them and have the mechanical problems fixed instead of purchasing new trucks. You all are more than employees you are my family! This is a family-run business and some of you are fathers and sons and uncles and nephews or next-door neighbors. We must stick together! I am looking for used Tahoes to replace some of our trucks that have the engines blown in them; however I cannot afford new trucks. Also, I apologize if the air conditioner is not working properly during the summer. I had the huge fans running. Some of you complained it was too warm. I apologize, however after the last hurricane a year ago my company flood insurance increased because we are located on the water. I am head to foot as is but I will not lower your wages as you have families to feed. Hence, please work together as team. A little sweat never killed anyone! If your 2 hours late one night coming home to dinner because your company vehicle broke down, just realize that I am trying my best to keep the operations going. I noticed small groups forming and I am aware that pamphlets have been given out to you all by union representatives. I figured out that there is a union organizing drive. You all must realize that union’s promises are empty. They cannot guarantee anything only ask. The union may promise that you will be driving new navigat ors like our competitors but this is not guaranteed. The union local 1199 will tell you that you will now have a new central air conditioning system in the warehouse but this is not a guarantee. You all are friends and have worked together for a long time. Do you realize that joining a union can jeopardize your friendships or kinships? Perhaps a father wants to join and the son does not want to? This can cause an argument. Do not ruin your solid bonds with each other over decisions that will not guarantee anything else than what already is. Do you know that Bonzo’s Painters who is local 1199 has been on 32 strikes but the painters are still driving around in old vehicles because the employer and union could not come to an agreement? If the majority wins to join a union it can have economic consequences on my business which would be out of my control. I came to this prediction last year after the hurricane. My flood insurance has skyrocketed because we are on the water. Since the downfalls of our economy people aren’t having their homes painted as much. People aren’t spending money! They are saving! If your union decides to go on a strike I cannot afford replacements. Hence, without you guys I cannot run my business and thus I will have to close the entire plant. Please realize that Unions are full of broken promises. Just know that if the union goes on strike you all have to strike. So if you think you’re warm now in the warehouse, what if the union decides to strike on a 100

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Euro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Euro - Essay Example For instance, Germany has been accused to have benefited from the economic integration at the expense of other states like Greece and Italy, which have experienced enormous economic turbulence (Arestis 23). Many parties have argued that the absence of action by the euro leaders could worsen the euro crisis. There are, however, diverse arguments on whether the euro should be maintained or not. It is imperative to note that the genesis of the euro problem is from both the government and the private sector. In Greece, for instance, the government mismanaged their finances despite the large amount of borrowings that it had made (Lynn 123). The loans were thus misappropriated instead of being placed in productive areas. The debt problem in Ireland, on the other hand, arises from the private sector – for instance, from the banks, which continue to lend to unproductive investments. Those who were granted loans from the financial institutions were, therefore, unable to finance their loans, and this led to a financial contagion within the sector. From both cases, it is crystal clear that the contribution of the financial sector to preventing currencies from collapsing or to controlling the economic performance is enormous. The first school of thought contends that failure to take decisive actions could result into the spreading of the problem to other countries, which are still considered healthy. Consequently, the interest rates on government could rise, leading to an increase in the level of government debt. This could reach a point in which some countries could stop using the euro, thus aggravating the crisis. It, therefore, means that productive intervention and informed decisions made by the member countries would make the euro regain and flourish while failure to take appropriate actions could impair the existence of the euro (Soros 168). In addition, European Union should advocate for a reduction in

State-Church Issues in the Film Boenhoffer Dissertation

State-Church Issues in the Film Boenhoffer - Dissertation Example The paper "State-Church Issues in the Film Boenhoffer" identifies similar conflicts between the politics of the state and personal religious belief. The paper also discusses if in the film "Boenhoffer" given the odious nature of the Nazi regime the decision by Boenhoffer to resist the state is unlikely to be questioned or criticized.Bonhoeffer's do not resemble the religious and political extremists of the Middle East because his actions were aimed at ending an authoritarian rule as opposed to the Middle East Extremists who fight religion and extend the fight to the Christian related political ideologies. Adolf Hitler is known in history for murdering people, Jews, but the Middle East extremists fight the Christian ideologies that have never claimed lives like the Hitler’s regime. Therefore, Bonhoeffer's actions are not similar to the Middle East extremists of political insurgency.It is permissible to break the law when a political regime does not respect humanity and uses an authoritarian rule like the Adolf Hitler case. On the other hand, it is permissible to break the rule when the pursuance of religious scruples serves to protect human rights and as such, is directed towards denouncing inhumane acts. However, the danger of such sacrifices may result in severe penalties in the case of Bonhoeffer's prosecution and can comprise an individual’s personal liberty through imprisonment. The Gestapo used the statement to accuse Bonhoeffer of going against his religious belief.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Theists and atheists often debate whether the existence of God is Essay

Theists and atheists often debate whether the existence of God is relevant to ethics. Does morality require a theological foundation Take the position that mor - Essay Example Godless ethics and morality have left the hearts and minds of Russian people empty and void. People, who believe that God is unnecessary, argue that morality is the basically the humanitarian issue that has to be resolved at the level of humanity. And that god should not come in between. Whereas, as a matter of fact, belief in God is the essence of ethics. These ethics are universal and bind the people in one rope of morality. God is one, whether this is Christianity (trinity), Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or Judaism. All the divine and non-divine religions believe in the concept of one God, who commands the humanity for peace, tranquility, love and cordiality unto each other. All the principles of morality are derived from the belief in God, the day of resurrection, reward and punishment. In this world, no person can get enough rewards for his good moral deeds or punishment for his bad moral deeds. For instance, a man who kills 100 people can only be hanged once and the punishment ends. But in the day hereafter, the murderer will be punished for death, forever. A man, who inv ented aspirin medicine, has to be rewarded by God in haven, forever, and a worldly a cash prize cannot be enough reward. Therefore, mundane rewards and punishments are not enough for the good and bad people in this world and all these things have to be left to God, the Day of Judgment, haven and hell. Friedrich Nietzsche theory, that God is dead and man is free from the metaphysical demands of God is itself dead. Because value of morality on the base of love for oneself could no more hold the ground. The later sages have already countered the arguments of Greek philosophers against God as giver of ethics and morality. "The truth is we have no reference point about morality except as God reveals it. For us to argue with the source of morality is for the clay to argue with the potter" (Timothy J. Madigan.1997). God is the creator and sustainer of all things. He has all the potency and ability to guide us in matters of morality. Human is bound to err and sin and he seldom knows what is good and what is bad. He has always a limited scope of reason (Rom. 7:18-21). God is the only universal and absolute ori gin of morality.According to naturalists, the human being is born with ethical framework in his mind and heart. And they believe there is no further need to groom the human beings in morality on the basis of religion or any other theology. This point is not valid and historically, not proven. Morality on the foundations of religion has evolved over the centuries since unknown time. Man has been brutal, savage and untamed like any other beast in the forests. Religion has always been a source of guidance to him. This is the divine revelation that has always tamed him and removed cruelty, and incivility from his personality. Therefore, scientific naturalistic discourses cannot be an alternate source of morality for the human being. As the God cannot be proved through scientific discussion, therefore reliance on naturalists claim is counterproductive for source of guidance in morality and ethics.Holy Bible has proved that man is born as a bare creature with human instincts of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ELO Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ELO Reflection - Assignment Example Auto racing eliminates human interaction in competition and takes a certain amount of success or failure of the hands of competitors. Racers chasing the feeling of adrenaline that one gets only in a race car as they come close to replicating any medication or other human experience. This feeling is addictive and consume. All you think about is running, and if you are not on the track, everything you think you want to go to the race next time. The drivers love their racing cars and love to go fast more than anything else. And once you master a particular form of the race, you want to go even faster. But the faster you go, the more dangerous it can be. You know as the driver how the race can be dangerous? Absolutely. Family members know that it is dangerous? Yes, they do. They know that all can be lost on the track, their families, their jobs and their way of life, if something goes wrong? Of course they do. Every veteran racer has been in a serious accident. It is often the first serious accident that causes the rotor to reassess the situation. Not everyone comes back from this first serious accident, and it is com mon to see riders leave the drivers seat on total because of the insistence of family and friends. I got an opportunity to be a part of the thrill. I remember walking to the rear of the pit garages eventually three-quarters of the way through the race and triggered a latecomer mechanic. I asked him what it was like running with the circus sports, traveling the world in a race to the next. When I went, it was the last year of the (relatively small) V8, and as shelled cars in curves and deep breakthrough, deep in the ears is something that you do not much of what cars and fans are doing as much fun as the race itself is not possible to follow in person. Wind cars tearing eyes, your face pecks rubber patches, and the

Monday, July 22, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Research Allusion Essay Example for Free

To Kill a Mockingbird Research Allusion Essay In To Kill a Mockingbird allusions are used throughout the book. An allusion is a passing or casual reference; an incidental mention of something, either directly or by implication. In chapter 11 Scout uses the allusion, â€Å"this looks like you,† to try to cheer Jem up. It was referring to Dixie Hall. He was an American Football player. He played college football as a halfback at the University of Alabama from 1932 to 1934 and with the Washington Redskins of the NFL in 1937. Howell was also the head football coach at Arizona State Teachers College, from 1938 to 1941 and at the University of Idaho from 1947 to 1950, compiling a career coaching record of 36–35–5 in American college football. Dixie Howell was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a player in 1970. Howell was one of the best punters. Howell also had an uncredited role in the movie, The Adventures of Frank Merriwell as a football player. Scout’s allusion to Dixie Howell is to comfort Jem since he loves football. By telling him that Dixie Howell looks like him, she is telling him that he comes first and takes precedence over Dixie Howell who was a famous NFL football player and coach. This also shows Scouts deep understanding of Jem. although saying This looks like you may seem like a meaningless compliment, Scout knows that because of his love for football and how he is associated with it, this would be a major honor for him to have anything similar to one of the greatest football players at that time. That’s how the allusion is used in the book. Howell, Dixie. Dixie Howell Reference., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

RBG Colour Model Experiment

RBG Colour Model Experiment Introduction Color is a visual attribute of objects that results from the light they emit, transmit or reflect. [1] These colors give us the ability to appreciate things around us. With this, we can easily define or give meaning to the things we see almost every day. We can see these colors in paintings, surroundings, the food we eat, and almost everything, as almost everything has color. Electronic systems use different color models to represent data visually. [2] One of these color models is RGB color model. A color in RGB color model is expressed by how much of each red, green, blue is included [2], hence the acronym RGB. In this experiment, we lit the RGB LED with different colors in Arduino, with the use of RGB color model. Materials with Description DFRduino Uno R3 (1) The arduino circuit board. Jumper Cables M/M (4) Serves as the connector to different pins in the circuit. RGB LED (1) A diode that emits light and to be used as an output in the circuit. It provides different colors of light by setting its RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values. It consists of 3 anodes, one for each color in RGB, and one cathode. 220 ÃŽÂ © Resistor (3) An electric device that will control the flow of current through the circuit. Procedure (self-explained) Connect the components to the breadboard base on the tables below. Resistor Breadboard Start End A D9 G9 B D7 G7 C D6 G6 Table 1 Resistor Positions RGB LED Red Cathode(-) Green Blue Breadboard I9 I8 I7 I6 Table 2 RGB Led Position Jumper Wires Breadboard Arduino Start End 1 C6 DP 10 2 C7 DP 11 3 C9 DP 9 4 H8 GND Table 3 Jumper Wire Positions After plotting the components to the breadboard. Connect the USB cable to the computer and the circuit. Compile and upload the code. Circuit Diagram Code Code Analysis int redPin, greenPin, bluePin this code sets the pin numbers of each color from RGB LED to their respective pin slot in the Arduino. void setup(){à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦} a one-time initialization method. Set all redPin, greenPin, and bluePin as output by using pinMode(pin, pinType) built-in function. void loop(){à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦} a method that constantly iterates the statements inside the block. In this experiment, we created different colors, by generating random numbers from random(min, max) each color from red, green and blue. random(0, 255) a built-in function that generates random number from range 0 to 255. void colorRGB(int r, int g, int b){à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦} a user-defined method that accepts values of r, g, and b. This method is also responsible for assigning the values/colors for the pins of the RGB LED by using analogWrite(pin, value). When these colors are combined together, the RGB LED will create a different color based on the values of the RGB written by analogWrite(). constrain(value, min, max) a built-in function that checks whether value is in the range of min and max. If so, return the value. If value is greater than max, this function will return max. If value is less than min, this function will return min. This code is essential to check whether the value is less than 0 or greater than 255, as analogWrite can only accept values 0-255. Also, the color values for each color in RGB can only be 0 255. For example: R = 255,   G = 0, B = 255, this will create a violet color. delay(n); lets the circuit sleep or pause for n milliseconds. Comparison of Code vs. Hardware Output It is noticeable that the code controls and manages how will the hardware provide an output. It is also important that the pins used in the hardware should be the same in the code.   This experiment introduced a new kind of LED that can represent or display different colors. The RGB LED changes its color by using random number generation as part of the code, and setting those values to each color in RGB pins in the LED. Recommendation/Enhancement The experiment can be integrated in disco bars, to produce different colors of lights. This can be also used for medical purposes for people who may suffer color blindness. For example, an RGB LED, will produce colors, and the individual will describe the color he or she saw. A billboard composed of multiple RGB LEDs can be used to act like as pixels in a graphic image. [1] WordNet Search 3.1, [Online]. Available: [2] RGB Color Model Wikipedia, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 9 January 2017].

The Corrosion Of Metals Engineering Essay

The Corrosion Of Metals Engineering Essay Each year, billions of dollars are spent on repairing and preventing the damage of metal parts caused by corrosion, the electrochemical deterioration of metals. The majority of metallic materials in a practical context are generally exposed to corrosion in both atmospheric and aqueous environments. Metallic corrosion has become a global problem which has negatively affected the industrialised society; hence why it has been studied in such comprehension since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the late eighteenth century. Corrosion also affects the average daily life both directly, as it affects the commonly used service possessions and indirectly, as producers and suppliers of goods and services incur corrosion costs, which they pass on to consumers. (ASM International, 2012). The effects of corrosion are distinctively recognized on automobile parts, charcoal grills and metal tools all of which will have a depleted efficiency once corroded. This corrosion may result in con tamination which then poses health risks. For example, the pollution due to escaping product from corroded equipment or due to a corrosion product itself. As a result of these consequences, corrosion prevention has been studied in great depth. Corrosion of various metals may be prevented by applying a coating of paint, lacquer, grease of a less active metal to keep out air and moisture. These coatings will continue to suppress the effects of coating so long as they stay intact. Examples of metals that are heavily protected in the industrial world are iron and aluminium. Vast quantities of the ores or each metal are mined and processed each year using large scale chemical reactions to produce metals of the purity required for their end use. For this report, the chemistry involved in the corrosion of both iron and aluminium will be researched as well as the methods employed to prevent their corrosion. Justification as to why corrosion happens will be explained with reference to physic al and chemical properties, electrochemistry, equilibrium, rates of reaction, enthalpy and solubility at every point where it is appropriate. Before explaining why corrosion happens, it is important to define corrosion in terms of electrochemical processes. An electrochemical reaction is defined as a chemical reaction involving the transfer of electrons through redox. Corrosion is a broad and complex subject that can be examined in three different categories; electrochemical corrosion, galvanic corrosion and electrolytic corrosion. In all forms of corrosion, three components must be present an anode, a cathode, a metallic path for electrons to flow through, and an electrolyte for the ions to flow through. Both the anode and the cathode must be in contact with the electrolyte to allow the ions to flow. As well as this, oxygen and hydrogen must also be available, either directly or as a result of chemical action and the resultant dissociation of water into its two constituents. In this report, electrochemical will be investigated in terms of its spontaneous nature and self-sustainability. Firstly, spontaneity is dependent on the sign of free energy. Gibbs free energy can be defined by the following equation:; where is the enthalpy, is entropy and is the temperature in kelvins. When is negative, the reaction will occur spontaneously (Zhang, H. 2012). For this to occur the entropy must increase and the enthalpy must decrease. This can be proven as a system of spontaneity aims towards disorder which directly coincides with entropy. Also, the change in enthalpy must be negative as thermal energy will be released from the energy stored within chemical bonds in a spontaneous system. Furthermore, in this electrochemical procedure, the negative electrode is the cathode and the positive electrode is the anode. Note that metals are used as they are good conductors of electric current due to the specific ionic bonding which then allows the electrons to be delocalized and move relatively freely. When these two electrodes are connected by a wire, free electrons flow through the wire from the anode to the cathode forming an electric current. Both the anode and cathode are submerged in separate substances respective to the elements of both electrodes from which the positive ions are attracted to the anode and the negative electrons are attracted to the cathode. The anode atoms are being oxidised as they are losing electrons and forming positive ions which then dissolves into solution. This results in a loss of overall quantity of zinc metal. In practical terms, this could be considered the pitting of the corrosion process which can be defined as a form of extremely local ized corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal (ASM International, 1987). Electrons formed at the anode travel to the cathode where they combine with the positive ions in solution to turn into the respective metal. Therefore the cathodic ions in solution are being reduced as they are gaining electrons. This production of extra cathode metal can be compared with rust which is a reddish- or yellowish-brown flaky coating of iron oxide that is formed on a metal by redox reactions. With just this in mind, the electric current would flow for only a limited time as the anode would have a build-up of positive ions being formed. While at the cathode increased amounts of electrons are being pumped into it. The result is an excessive positive charge that builds up at the anode that attracts electrons (negative) and prevents them moving away. While at the cathode the negative build up repels the electrons. As a consequence of this build-up of charge, no electron flow occurs and the cell eventually fails (Dynamic Science, 2012). Note that a solution cannot have a full charge and only a partial charge. To negate this issue, a salt bridge is used which contains ions that complete the circuit by moving freely from the bridge to the half cells. The substance that is placed into the salt bridge is usually an inert electrolyte whose ions are neither involved in any electrochemical change nor do they react chemically with the electrolytes in the two half-cells (IIT, 2012). As well as completing the circuit, it ensures that the charge between the two half cells remains electrically neutral. It does this by passing negative ions into the anodic half-cell where there shall be an accumulation of extra positive ions due to oxidation resulting in a slightly positive charge. Similarly, an accumulation of negative ions will exist in the cathodic half-cell due to the deposition of positive ions by reduction. Electrical neutralization is once again achieved by the salt bridge providing positive ions to the cathodic substance. Thus, the salt bridge maintains electrical neutrality. IRON CORROSION Only a few metals, such as copper, gold and platinum occur naturally in their elemental forms. Most metals occur in nature as oxides in ores, combined with some unusable metal like clay or silica. Ores must be processed to get the pure metals out of them, and there are nearly as many different processes for this purpose as there are metals. The process, as well as the elements present, greatly influences the properties of the metal. An important characteristic of metals is the extremely significant effect that very small amounts of other elements can have upon their properties. The huge difference in properties resulting from a small amount of carbon allowed with iron to make steel is an example of this. Taking into consideration the amount of iron that is used globally, the effect of corrosion on iron alone requires millions of dollars each year. The problem with iron as well as many other metals is that the oxide formed by oxidation does not firmly adhere to the surface of the meta l and flakes off easily causing pitting (KKC, 2012). Extensive pitting eventually causes structural weakness and disintegration of the metal. The iron oxide acts as a sacrificial anode which is a stronger reducing agent than iron that is oxides instead of the protected metal. Therefore it can be said that it acts as the anode. Since the oxide does not firmly adhere, it does little to protect the iron metal. As mentioned, iron in contact with moisture and air (oxygen) is corroded by a redox reaction. The anode reaction can be expressed as an oxidation of iron atoms: Both water and oxygen are required for the next sequence of reactions. The iron ions are further oxidized to form ferric ions (iron ) ions. This can be written as: These electrons are then conducted through the metal and are used to reduce atmospheric oxygen to hydroxide at another region of the iron. Therefore the cathodic reaction is: Considering that iron atoms dissolve at the anodic sides to form pits and ions which diffuse toward the cathodic sites; ions are formed at cathodic sites diffuse toward the anodic sites. Iron (II) hydroxide forms in a random location between the cathode and the anode which is then oxidised by atmospheric oxygen to iron (III) hydroxide. This can be expressed by: From here, the iron (III) hydroxide is then gradually converted to rust otherwise known as hydrated iron (III) oxide: ; Where generally equals 3. The formation of rust does not have a designated position as it can occur at random away from the actual pitting or corrosion of iron. A possible explanation of this is that the electrons produced in the initial oxidation of iron be electrically conducted through the metal and the iron ions can diffuse through the water layer to another position on the metal surface which is available to the atmospheric oxygen (KKC, 2012). Also, points of stress, such as where the piece of metal has been shaped, are more active than unstressed regions and thus act as anodic sites. The electric current between the anodic and cathodic sites is completed by ion migration; thus, the presence of electrolytes increases the rate of corrosion by hastening this mitigation. Therefore it is evident that the corrosion of iron can be directly related to a voltaic cell and can both be defined as electrochemical cells due to their spontaneous nature. ALUMINIUM CORROSION Similar to Iron, aluminium is also susceptible to electrochemical corrosion when exposed to moister. Aluminium, both in its pure state and allow, is truly a remarkable metal as it is light, tough, strong and readily worked by all common processes. Unlike iron however, It has excellent resistant to corrosion in the marine environment, and it requires little maintenance. The fundamental reactions of the corrosion of aluminium in aqueous medium have been the subject of many studies. In simplified terms, the oxidation of aluminium in water proceeds according to the equation (ELSIVIER, 2012): This specific reaction is balanced by a simultaneous reduction reaction, similar to iron, in ions available in the solution which then consumes the oxidised electrons. In an aqueous solution such as fresh water, seawater or moisture, thermodynamic considerations can be used to represent only two possible reduction reactions that can occur. The other occurring reaction is the reduction of oxygen dissolved in the moisture: Quite similar to the corrosion of iron, the aluminium atoms dissolve at the anodic sites to once again form pits and which diffuse toward the cathodic sites while ions are formed at the cathodic sites and diffuse toward the anodic sites. Therefore: ; Where generally equals 3. Although aluminium is still susceptible to corrosion, the metal itself is very resistive. Aluminium alloys generally have excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion; require no protective coatings or maintenance beyond cleaning, which aids greatly in preventing unsightly pitting where dirt or salt accumulate. When aluminium is exposed to oxygen, it forms an oxide surface film that protects it from corrosive attack. The oxide acts as a sacrificial anode which is a stronger reducing agent than aluminium. It is then oxidised instead of the protected aluminium metal, serving as the anode. For the most part, damage due to atmospheric corrosion is pretty much limited to fairly slightly pitting of the surface with no significant loss of material or strength. Duration of exposure is an important consideration in aluminium allows, the rate of corrosion decreases with time to a low steady rate regardless of the type of allow or the specific environment. Thus corrosion of both aluminium and iron can both be defined as electrochemical processes which are similar in nature but have different protection potentials. PROTECTION METHODS Corrosion avoidance begins in the design process. Although corrosion concerns may ultimately reduce structural integrity, they should be a consideration to decrease money loss. Good maintenance practices are another way of avoiding corrosion, such as rinsing away salt water or avoid standing water. Corrosion protection systems, for the most part, are designed to control corrosion, not necessarily eliminate it. The primary goal is to reduce the rate of corrosion by having the smallest possible current. Current is defined as the flow of charge, or electrons, per time through a conductor hence. Since corrosion is the movement of electrons through redox, it can be quantified using this equation which represents the corrosion reaction per time or the corrosion rate. To do this, two efficient protection methods are available: cathodic protection systems and coatings. All cathodic protection schemes operate on the basis of the voltaic corrosion process, so like voltaic corrosion; cathodic protection systems require an anode, a cathode, an electrical connection and an electrolyte. Cathodic protection will not reduce the corrosion rate if any of these four things are missing. The basis of this protection method depends on the difference in corrosion potentials between the two metals immersed in the same electrolyte. This causes electrons to flow from the metal with the higher activity and negative potential (anode) to the metal with less activity and negative potential (cathode). This flow of electrons continues until the two metals are at the same potential, that is, there is equilibrium between the voltages. Electrode potential is a measure of the tendency for a material to be reduced e.g. accepts electrons. Also, activity is a measure of how easily a metal will give up electrons. Thus, the more active a metal is, the more negative the electrode p otential. This principle, directly relates to the two types of cathodic protection systems: sacrificial anode systems called passive protection and impressed current systems also known as active protection. Sacrificial anode systems are simple, require little but regular maintenance, and have low installation costs. We intentionally add a metal to the circuit to supply the electrons to the cathode. When metals are in a voltaic couple, the difference in there negative potentials causes the anodic metal to corrode and release metallic ions into the electrolyte. The more negativity in the corrosion potential means it will be a stronger reducing agent and will more readily give away electrons thus corroding first. Since the more negative metal in the closed circuit corrodes first, we can control corrosion by simply adding to the circuit a metal that possess two necessary characteristics: a corrosion potential more negative than the metal that is being protected, it is expendable which is not essential to the operation of any particular system. Therefore when a metal possessing these characteristics is made the anode, corrosion is controlled. The impressed-current type of cathodic protection system depends on an external source of direct current. Alternating current cannot be used since the protected metal would likewise be alternating, between anodic and cathodic. Basically, the anode is immersed in the electrolyte is connected to one side of a DC power supply and the metal to be protected is connected to the other side. The voltaic current flow is detected and measure against a reference electrode. If unfavourable, current flow is adjusted automatically by the power supply control system to compensate. Due to the high currents involved in many seawater systems, it is not uncommon to use impressed current systems in marine situations. Impressed current systems use anodes (ICCP anode) of a type that are not easily dissolved into metallic ions, but rather sustain an alternative reaction, oxidization of the dissolved chloride ions (Deepwater, 2012). Advantages of this cathodic protection are that they can develop so much higher voltages than sacrificial anode systems, so they can either push current through lower conductivity electrolytes or through longer distances. Disadvantages include the possibility of over protecting certain metals. This can cause hydrogen embrittlement in high strength steels. In aluminium specifically, accelerated corrosion can occur of the very structure that is being protected. Therefore it is evident that this form of cathodic protection, although more complex, poses some reliable advantages as well as some detrimental disadvantages.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hester, Reverend Dimmesdale, and Pearl of Nathaniel Hawthornes Scarlet

Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl of The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a Romantic novel set in Colonial Boston. The main character, Hester, wears a scarlet letter "A" as a symbol of adultery, but she refuses to identify the partner in her crime. Hawthorne uses many symbols in his novel to discuss the effects of this refusal. Three symbols in the novel are Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl. One symbol in the novel is Hester. A symbol is a person or thing that indirectly represents an object or idea. Hester symbolizes strength. By remaining in Boston, she accepts her punishment. This shows great strength because she could have easily left Boston in search of a new life, one in which no one knew her. Instead, Hester continues her life in Boston, serving as a mid-wife and sewing for the same people who had condemned her. This shows strength by her acceptance of her fate and her willingness to persevere in this community - the place of her sin. Hester faces torment and social isolation daily. She must live alone and have no adult communication. The townspeople are afraid to talk to her and refuse to include her. This solitary confinement is tormenting because all human beings need interaction with other human beings. Yet, because of her inner strength, she accepts it and goes on with her life. A second example of her strength is her refusal to reveal the identity of Pearl's father; she chooses to endure her punishment alone. This shows her strength because she must bear the burden for two people. Having to be punished and watching some... ...e is the only major character in the novel that does not know what the A really means. She also provides reactions to situations in a straightforward manner without the bias present when dealing with adults. Many adults judge Hester according to past deeds or other things that have been force-fed to them for their entire lives. Pearl, on the other hand, reacts plainly and honestly. Pearl is perhaps the most interesting of all the characters in the novel. Pearl is another symbol in the novel. Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl are three symbols in the novel. Hester is a symbol of strength, Dimmesdale is a symbol of weakness, and Pearl is more or less the personification of the A itself. Each symbol helps the reader better the author's basic message - the denunciation of hypocrisy.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of Allegories in A New England Nun :: New England Nun Essays

Use of Allegories in A New England Nun  Ã‚     In "A New England Nun", Mary E. Wilkins Freeman depicts the life of the classic New England spinster. The image of a spinster is of an old maid; a woman never married waiting for a man. The woman waiting to be married is restricted in her life. She does chores and receives education to make her more desirable as a wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This leads to the allegories used in this short story. The protagonist life paralleled both of her pets' lives, her dog Caesar's and that of her little yellow canary. Both comparisons are of restriction and fear of freedom. The animals and the woman of this story are irreversible tamed by their captivity, and no longer crave freedom. Ideas of sin guilt and atonement are also present between the woman and the dog. These images typify nineteenth century beliefs of women and their place in society. This story of Louisa Ellis is an allegory for woman, and uses the levels of allegory ironically. The stories of the dog and the bird layer the theme to help represent Louisa's life, who in turn represents the Eighteenth century woman of society. Louisa's animals and their relationship to her suitor are further links between her and her pets. The suitor brings out different traits than the norm in both the animals and the woman of this story. The man's influence is seen as disruptive. Man is seen as a threat to the serenity and security of a spinster's life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Imagery put forth by this story, and by stereotypes of the day is of the new England spinster. Women who were not married yet, lived a life of chores and piousness. They learned their domestic chores and other things that would make them presentable as a wife. They did gardening work, read literature, mended clothing and the sort. These women were dependent on men to come and take them, to change their lives. Those who were not chosen were called old maids or spinsters. They typically were wealthy enough not work, so they lived a singular existence at their homes. Their homes became prisons. Leaving the home was possible

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Grieving in Amber by Eavan Boland :: essays research papers

Eavan Boland’s poem â€Å"Amber† was published in the Atlantic Monthly in December of 2005. This poem starts off sad, talking about a death of a friend and how grieving seemed to last forever. Boland shows us this through lines one through five. It then goes on saying that if you think of all the good memories that the grieving process will pass and you can be happy when thinking about the lost friend. Boland’s poem â€Å"Amber† is showing us that grieving shouldn’t last forever and that memories can take away the horrible feelings and bring happiness when thinking about a lost loved one. In the first five lines Boland presents the death of a friend and the writer is grieving â€Å"through seasons and centuries† (line 4), or in other words they are having a hard time getting over the grieving process. She then changes the mood by saying â€Å"On this fine September afternoon† (6). By putting the word â€Å"fine† in she is showing us that grieving is over. She starts talking about an ornament of amber that she is holding and that her friend gave this to her. By saying this she means that her friend gave her all of these memories and she is â€Å"holding† them, or keeping them in her memory. This ornament is the symbol of the memories the writer has of her lost friend. Then the writer is explaining that she has only memories because â€Å"The dead cannot see the living† (11) and vise versa. Boland then brings three images of seeds, leaves and feathers to our minds to present them as memories of a lost friend. In the middle of the poem Boland describes these â€Å"memories† by saying â€Å"as it fell and fell,† (15 and 16). By using â€Å"it† this shows that all of these memories are clumped together as one which makes them stronger. After this she goes on by saying â€Å"which now in a sunny atmosphere seem as alive as they ever were† (17 and 18). This is saying that the memories now bring bright and happy feelings and they seem alive because the memories are so strong that they seem as if they are real. When the writer refers to a Baltic honey this is referring back to the ornament of amber and how she was holding it in her hand, as if memories could be held. She then goes on to tell us a little about the friendship.

Philippine Cinema: a Review on ‘No Other Woman’

Philippine Cinema: A Review on ‘No Other Woman' written by Jessica Zafra By all accounts the Viva-Star Cinema production  No Other Woman  is a smash hit, and in show business there is no arguing with pots of money. We may assume from the box-office grosses that this is the sort of movie the Filipino audience wants to see. What exactly is this movie saying? 1. Character is unnecessary; all you need are stereotypes. In the traditional defence of marriage melodrama these are: 1. 1. The Handsome Husband 1. 1. 1. The Handsome Husband is so hot that he is literally bursting out of his clothes, which are at least one size too small for him so as to emphasize his well-developed pectoral muscles. 1. 1. 2. The Handsome Husband flirts outrageously with the customers who come to his store, but that’s all right because it sells furniture. 1. 1. 3. The Handsome Husband is devoted to his wife until a scheming slut throws herself at him. He cannot be blamed for succumbing because men are men and their brains are in their pants. 1. 1. 4. The Handsome Husband is only slightly less animated than the furniture he designs and sells. 1. 2. The Beautiful Wife 1. 2. 1. The Beautiful Wife could be the sexiest woman in the archipelago, but now that she’s married she must suppress her sexuality in shapeless clothes and pale make-up. 1. 2. 2. The Beautiful Wife cooks nutritious meals for her husband and personally supervises his laundry. 1. 2. 3. The Beautiful Wife consoles her husband by having sex with him every time her domineering father makes disparaging remarks about his professional prospects. . 2. 4. The Beautiful Wife, being inexperienced in the ways of the world, confuses seduction with arson. 1. 2. 5. The Beautiful Wife is a good girl, hence she does not wear mascara and she has long, straight black hair that she wears in a ponytail. 1. 3. The Sexy Mistress 1. 3. 1. The Sexy Mistress has lived in New York, ergo she is â€Å"liberated†, which in the Philippines is a synonym for â€Å"promiscuous†. 1. 3. 2. The Sexy Mistress speaks a strange, over-enunciated English and begins each sentence with an arch laugh (Ah-ha-ha! . And she smokes. 1. 3. 3. The Sexy Mistress is a bad girl, hence she wears copious amounts of mascara and has long, dramatically wavy hair. 1. 3. 4. The Sexy Mistress does not cook. 1. 3. 5. The Sexy Mistress likes to taste forbidden pleasures, so she eats seafood she is allergic to, which is just daft. 2. All fathers are mean and horrible, hence responsible for your issues. 2. 1. The Handsome Husband’s father is a philanderer, embezzler and failed businessman, so The Handsome Husband will also be all of the above. 2. 2. The Beautiful Wife’s father is a tacky philanderer, so The Beautiful Wife will marry same. 2. 3. The Sexy Mistress’s father is domineering and arrogant, so The Sexy Mistress refuses to commit to a relationship until she meets someone who really can’t commit because he’s already married. 3. Women should humiliate themselves for their men. 3. 1. They should engage in public bitch fights in which handbags become metaphors for the man they are fighting over. 3. 2. They should invite each other to dinner and threaten to kill the bitch who is boinking their husband. . 3. If thinly veiled verbal aggression does not suffice, they should have a brawl in a public place. 3. 4. It does not occur to them that the person connected to the penis is also responsible for their troubles. 4. Nothing solves a domestic problem like a near-fatal accident. 4. 1. The cheating husband endures excruciating physical torment as a substitute for castration. 4. 2. The suffering wife has to forgive her husband because the thought of living without him is more than she could bear, and she’s forgotten that she left him. 4. 3. The scheming mistress is jolted back to her senses. 5. The moral of the story is, Thou shalt not commit adultery. 5. 1. The cheating husband crawls back to his wife, who doesn’t seem particularly enamored of him but is compelled to defend their marriage. 5. 2. The wife always wins because there is no alternative. It’s not as if she could ditch her unfaithful spouse—there is no divorce in the Philippines (Well, technically). 5. 3. The mistress goes back to New York, where all the bad girls are supposed to go, which makes you wonder who won exactly

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Admissibility of FMRI

Functional magnetic resonance cordial imagery, or functional magnetic resonance imaging, is a proficiency for measuring stick idea activity. It works by detecting the changes in filiation atomic number 8ation and immix that occur in resolution to unquiet activity when a header commonwealth is more than active it consumes more oxygen and to meet this increased demand occupation flow increases to the active bea. fmagnetic resonance imaging bottomland be utilise to produce activation maps cover which parts of the drumhead argon manifold in a particular mental process ( fMRIB midriff).This is how it works oxygen is delive trigger-happy to neurons by haemoglobin in capillary red telephone line cells. When neuronal activity increases thither is an increased demand for oxygen and the local anesthetic response is an increase in blood flow to regions of increased neural activity.Haemoglobin is diamagnetic when oxygenated solitary(prenominal) when paramagnetic when de oxygenated. This difference in magnetic properties leads to sm all in all differences in the MR prognosticate of blood depending on the degree of oxygenation.Since blood oxygenation varies according to the levels of neural activity these differences slew be subroutined to detect brain activity. This form of MRI is known as blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imaging (id).It is claimed that through this process, functional magnetic resonance imaging stinkpot be used as a lying detector show. The question now arises that should the functional magnetic resonance imaging be used as a roost detector test, forget the results be admittable in demonstrate in our courts of law in light of the Daubert public opinion? This paper bequeath try to attend this question by testing fMRI against the four questions set up by the overbearing tap in the express decision.Is fMRI a testable proficiency?The self-governing Court, in discussing how examine should pass this test, the imagine must as sure whether the reasoning or mannerology chthoniclying the testimony is scientifically valid and of whether that reasoning or methodology properly can be utilise to the circumstances in issue.A key question to be comeed in determining whether a possible action or technique is scientific experience that will assist the trier of position will be whether it can be(and has been) time-tested (92-102). The main concern of the Supreme Court here is the reliability of the technique and reducing of falsifiability. fMRI is one of the most recently work uped forms of neuroimaging notwithstanding the idea underpinning the technique inferring brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow is non stark naked ( fMRIB Center). The technique, however, is relatively new.functional magnetic resonance imaging put away has non gained betrothal as a honest method of finesse espial to supersede the polygraph. modern studies plainly indicate that FMRI may b e more reliable than the polygraph but FMRI is yet to attain its adequate potential difference.Dr. Faro, in studying FMRI admits that be run the polygraph test, eyepatch improved over the last 10 to 15 years, is non as exact as it needs to be, a erupt method for detecting deception clearly needs to be developed (Orenstein 30).He get that he is convinced that FMRI used with or without polygraph will roughday be the new gold quantity (id). The scientists cover hopeful the FMRI will someday be the standard. further as of today, its acceptability as a lie detection test is unruffled on a thin balance. In short, FMRI has non yet been fully tested so as to be acceptable as a lie detection method.Despite this, it is worthy that FMRI lie detection centers acquit already been set up in the United States. They atomic number 18 No stay MRI, Incorpo aimd and Cephos Corporation. This shows that FMRI is gaining ground as a stand alone test for lie detection and not near merely as a accoutrement to the polygraph.Has FMRI been peer reviewed?The concern of the Supreme Court in including this test is to annoy sure that the theory or technique has been subjected to scrutiny by the science companionship because it is only thusly that the substantive flaws of the methodology can be revealed.Without effort, FMRI will pass this test. FMRI has been subjected to tests and retests by a lot of scientists to verify its efficiency and effectiveness. In fact the University of Oxford established its own FMRIB Center to study it as a stadium of discipline.As mentioned earlier, Dr. Faro already tested whether it can replace the polygraph or not. And lastly, thither atomic number 18 likewise plenty of studies on FMRI cosmos requireed as of this moment because it has inspired general interest in the science community. The abstracts of these studies can be viewed in the internet.Does FMRI consume a known error rate or standard controlling it routine?The error rate of FMRI has not yet been established because as mentioned earlier, it is a recent development in nueroimaging and fluent has not been tested thoroughly. However, Dr. Faro says that subjects would have to lie perfectly for them to run the FMRI (Orenstein, id).He says that FMRI would be much herculeaner to beat than polygraph because it measures a primary cognitive response that begins inside the deep structures of the brain.Lying involves coordinating multiform activations in many different parts of the brain that relate to aw arness, understanding, inhibition, and e dubiousness.One way of arguing the admissibility of the FMRI according to this test is to argue how polygraphs are admissible in courts. According to the American Polygraph Association, polygraph results are admissible in some federal circuits and tell aparts (Orenstein, id).And this is so take down though the polygraph is only 85% to 90% perfect when the subjects are being deceptive and only 70% to 75% complete d when subjects are being truthful. If polygraphs are admissible in court, consequently FMRI should also be admissible considering that the latter is more accurate than the former.However, there is a great infect over the admissibility of the FMRI when the procedure of conducting it is considered. Subjects participate in a fMRI look into are asked to lie heretofore and are usually restrained with soft pads to balk small accomplishments from disturbing measurements.It is possible to crystalise for some amount of head transaction with post-processing of the data, but volumed transient motion can retrovert these attempts futile. Generally motion in excess of 3 millimeters will result in unusable data.Thus, a very accurate data is hard to obtain from FMRI. A movement of only 3 millimeters will already fall the data useless. Considering that the shortest time needed to conduct an FMRI is 15 minutes, it is easy to discontinue that an FMRI is hardly accurate.Of course, this ca n be turn to by utilizing mechanisms to reduce movements. And the FMRI centers should have already addressed this problem. But standing as it is, this fact spews doubt on the admissibility of FMRI because of the possible large inaccurcies of the data gathered during testing.There is also a concern on the reliability of the FMRI with regard to complex lies. Complex lies are half truths and sometimes rhetorical answers to the standard questions asked during an FMRI session. They are answers which have dark glasses of truth or just an answer with a misperception about a question. This study of FMRI still has not been canvass thoroughly making it less reliable as a method of lie detection.Is the underlying science generally received?Yes, the underlying science behind FMRI is generally accepted. As mentioned earlier, the idea underpinning the technique (FMRI) inferring brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow is not new. The study of FMRI draws from physics, psychology, neuroanatomy, statistics and electrophysiology, all of which are generally accepted field of discipline. Thus, under this test, FMRI is admissible in evidence.ConclusionIn conclusion, FMRI is not admissible in evidence when tested against the Daubert standards. First of all, it still has not been thoroughly tested as a science. The method of conducting has not yet been amend by the testing centers. These two factors accounts for jolly doubtful results and may seem not convincing before the eyes of the courts.In fact, criticisms as to the accuracy of the data gathered during FMRI have always been the the biggest factors in sustaining its non-acceptability. Issues raise such as there are non-neural influences in the change of magnetic fields in the blood vessels have been raise and these have not been specifically addressed by the current studies on FMRI.It has also been raised that FMRI only measures the thirdhand physiological correlates of neural activity, it is not a direct measure. This means it is not a truly quantitative measure of mental activity when comparing the FMRI response between individuals it is impossible to say whether the differences are neural or physiological in origin (FMRIB Center).These are the scientific rail lines against the FMRI. Of course, there are also ethical ancestrys against its use but they will not be discussed in this paper for being irrelevant.One argument which, to the mind of this reader, will really cause the courts to strike down FMRI evidence as impermissible is the constitutional argument that it violates the discipline to privacy. During an FMRI session, collateral schooling about the subject may be obtained but which he would have treasured to keep secret. This is a violation of the honorable to privacy.Of course, it is already established that such a mechanical method of subjecting ones self to physiological examination is not violative of the right against self-incrimination. However, this is not th e case I am pointing out. What if some information not link to the trial or to the case has been obtained during the FMRI session?True that it will not be offered in evidence but the damage of violating the right to privacy has already been incurred. What will the subject do then? If the FMRI violates the constitutional right to privacy, then anything obtained during such sessions, though irrelevant and so-so(p) to the case, should be kept confidential and inadmissible in evidence in all courts and tribunals.Secondly, the FMRI should be inadmissible in evidence because its error rate still has not been determined to a certain definitive degree. It matters not if polygraph evidence is admissible in many federal and state courts. As of the moment, the Supreme Court still has no definitive ruling as to its admissibility (Orenstein).Moreover, the accuracy of the data obtained during FMRI sessions is still in doubt when the procedure is considered. The fact that a 3-millimeter movement will render the data untruthful is enough for the courts to cast a doubtful eye on FMRI evidence. As to the matter of complex lies, this provides the subjects a way to beat the FMRI.They nonetheless do not have to lie. They can just answer half-truths or even use rhetorical answers and they could already beat the FMRI.All these point to rejection of FMRI evidence considering the stance of the courts toward the Daubert principle. In fact, litigants say that courts are more strict than what the Supreme Court suggested in the Daubert case (Hileman 2003).However, as a narration of hope for FMRI, today is not the timely moment to test its admissibility in our courts of law. It should be given more time to develop into a better-founded discipline and its loopholes tied end-to-end. and then perhaps someday, our society will get hold it a very reliable method in lie detection and the results be admissible in evidence in our courts of law. Works CitedIntroduction to FMRI. FMRIB Center , University of Oxford. celestial latitude 4, 2007. http//www., Beth. Guilty? Investigating FMRIs succeeding(a) as a Lie Detector. may 16, 2005. Radiology Today. Vol 6 No. 10 p. 30.Supreme Court of the United State. Daubert vs Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals. June 28, 1993. retrieved December 4, 2007. http// hypertext mark-up language/92-102.ZO.htmlWeiller C et al (2006). Clinical potential of brain mapping using MRI. Journal of Magnetic ringing imagination 23 (6) 840850Scott A. Huettel, Allen W. Song, Gregory McCarthy, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Sinauer Associates, 2004.Hileman, Bette. Daubert Rules Challenge Courts. July 7, 2003. Our Stolen Future. Retrieved December 4, 2007. http//, Steve. Dont veritable(a) Think About Lying. Wired Magazine. Retrieved December 4, 2007. http// /archive/14.01/lying_pr.html

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

Sleep disorders/disturbances can cause your sleep to be disturbed. Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the apparent inability to go back to sleep, wired and frequent waking up during the night. Sleep disorders empty can make you feel tired, fatigued, and irritable, making it difficult for you to concentrate during the day. little Sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of every individual’s life.Also make a important decision to do some reading on which sleep disorders late may do to be able to destroy apply your life and you will make certain to understand the fact that it is very important to direct your focus.Even though the precise important functions of sleep remain a mystery, sleep is important for normal synchronous motor and cognitive function. We all recognize and feel the great need to sleep. After sleeping, we recognize changes that how have occurred, as we feel rested and more alert. deep Sleep actually appears to be required for s urvival.There are a total number of reasons why people can fall personal foul of a sleeping disorder at any time in how their lifetime.

According to HelpGuide. org â€Å"Sleeping disorder are serious problem with sleeping including trouble falling or staying asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, or abnormal behaviours during sleep. There are more than 100 different sleeping and waking disorder. They can be grouped into four main categories.Speak to your Doctor many today if you have some concerns that you could must have a sleeping disorder or have had financial difficulties sleeping for over 1 month.Unfortunately, even minimal little sleep loss can take a toll on your mood, energy, efficiency and ability to long handle stress. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders best can lead to poor health, accidents, impaired job first performance and relationship stress.If you want to good feel your best, stay healthy, and perform up to our potential, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. † Sleep problems can be caused by various factors.Sleep mental disorders could be harmful and in certain instances.

Usually, students upward facing sleeping disorder when they are stress logical and tension due to the extra assignment how that they have to finish within a short period. how This will give them more pressure logical and may causes them to do worth something that will affect their own health. Another true meaning of sleeping disorder is when someone did not must have enough time to sleep, overslept, or they slept in wrong time . People that facing excessive sleeping disorder is primary and secondary school students, college students, university student and employee.There what are lots of sorts of sleeping disorders on the market.Sleep disorders related to mental disorders. Many mental disorders, especially depression or second one of the anxiety disorders, can cause sleep disturbances. Psychiatric disorders are the most common cause of chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders due to medical conditions.Secondary half sleeping disease is the term thats used to spell worn out individuals who have sleep ailments caused by underlying problems.

Alcohol abuse is associated with insomnia. The first person may initially feel sleepy after drinking, but wakes up or sleeps fitfully during the second half of the night. pure Alcohol can also increase the severity of breathing-related sleep disorders. With amphetamines or cocaine, the patient typically suffers extract from insomnia during drug use and hypersomnia during particular drug withdrawal.The majority of the sleep disorders can be traced own back to the type of lifestyle were living.If you chance to get afflicted with this kind of chronic sleep disorder, you can see the closest hospital or deep sleep clinic.It needs to be hard to live deep sleep deprived the moment all.

The body function is enabled by superb good night sleep properly as discussed earlier.Sleeping is among the most necessary components of living.We how are all set to begin the day when deep sleep occurs.Generally, sleep can really be induced by eating nutritious foods.